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Fake It Till You Make It

We found the most commonly asked questions on Google about fake tanning products and answered them in this blog post.

What is fake tan?

Gone are the days when we laid out, frazzling in baby oil, in a desperate attempt to get a tan. Fake tan has allowed us to get the tan of our dreams, without damaging our skin in the sun. In the UK alone, the self tan market is worth millions. As a result, brands continue to develop and improve self-tanning products so fans of the faux glow can continue to enhance and control their tan. 


Fake tan features a key ingredient called ‘Dihydroxyacetone’ or DHA for short. Interestingly, it was first discovered by German scientists who used DHA when conducting X-rays. When the chemical spilled onto skin by accident, they found that it altered the surface colour of the skin – turning it brown. This discovery arguably changed the face of modern cosmetics forever. 


The greater the concentration of DHA found in a self-tan, the darker the colour will be. Depending on the desired colour you wish to achieve, applying more layers of the fake-tan will result in a darker tone. We think it’s best to build a tan as it gives a more natural look. 


Fake tan typically can’t be removed by soap or water, rather it will begin to fade over a matter of days. This is in line with the body’s natural exfoliation process. However, a good way to speed up this process is to use an exfoliator (for example gloves/cloths/scrubs) to remove some of the tan at home.

What fake tan is best?

Nowadays, at-home fake tan products are more advanced than ever. As my mum describes it, “fake tan had you smelling like a digestive biscuit factory”. Fake tan’s developed shade has also vastly improved – no more looking like an orange. 

We can only speak personally on which fake tan we think is best. A firm favourite of ours is the brand Tan Luxe. Whether it’s their gradual body lotion tan, water-based tan, or their face and body tan drops – all of their products are foolproof in our opinion. They are easy to apply, smell great, and don’t go streaky. Additionally, when they begin to fade they don’t go all patchy like some self-tanners do. This gives a more natural appearance and keeps us buying more and more! They’re also fairly well priced. Whilst not the cheapest on the market, we think that for the quality they offer, the price is fair.

What fake tan do celebrities use?

So we did a little digging, and this is what we’ve found! Kim Kardashian notes that the St Tropez Express Bronzing Mousse is her personal favourite. This tanner is lightweight and vegan friendly. The formula is designed to be streak free and takes as little as 2-3 hours to develop. Given how often she is in the public eye, and scrutinised for her looks, we are going to trust Kim K on this one and consider it a good self-tanner.

Kylie Jenner notes using the Bondi Sands Dark Self-Tanning Foam to get her glow. It is possible that she has been paid to promote this tanning product, which made us initially sceptical. However, upon researching the product, we see it’s been rated 4.5/5 stars from over 13,000 thousand reviewers. It’s another lightweight formula that is supposedly easy to apply and gives a flawless finish every time. We especially like that it’s got aloe vera and coconut in its formula – properties which are known to improve your skin.

Haile Bieber swears by Tan Luxe’s ‘The Water’ self-tanner for her face. She shared on TikTok that she uses this tanned water spray for her face to give it a little bit of a glow. For the rest of her body she uses Vita Liberata ‘Body Blur’. It’s a wash-off tan that offers instant colour and glow.

Fake It Till You Make It
Fake It Till You Make It
Fake It Till You Make It

What fake to use on holiday?

It’s understandable if you’re worried about using fake tan whilst on holiday. Maybe you’re worried about it washing off in the pool, going streaky from sweat, or worried that it will prevent you from getting a natural tan.

We believe the best way to include tanning into your daily holiday routine is to use tanning drops. Our recommendation is the Tan Luxe Medium Tanning Drops. Adding 2-3 drops of this to your moisturiser can help you build a steady tan whilst away. By reapplying every time you moisturise, your tan will be maintained effortlessly and you won’t need to worry about it washing off.

Does fake tan expire?

The best way to check for your self-tanners expiration date is by looking at the bottle. However, fake tan typically has a self-tan of one year once opened. This is because the expiry date begins once the product is opened and reacts with the air. So if you see a good bulk buy deal – go for it! Just be sure to not open the product until you actually plan on using it.

Is fake tan bad for your skin?

A concern for many is the chemicals used in fake tans. What are they and are they harmful? As mentioned earlier, the main ingredient in self-tanners is DHA. The Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety deemed this ingredient not harmful and it will not pose a health risk. This will be continuously monitored by the SCCS and any updates will be posted. 

Given how dangerous UV sun damage and melanotan injections are, fake-tan offers a brilliant alternative. Thanks to their continual advancement, self-tanners are better and more natural than ever. It’s becoming even harder for people to justify sunbeds and risky tanning behaviour when such a great and safe alternative exists. We talk about the dangers of UV rays in another blog post which you can read here.

Is fake tan waterproof?

Fake tan is waterproof in the sense that it won’t come off immediately in water. Although, chlorinated and salt water can lead to tan fading faster than usual. So be sure to check the type of water you’re swimming in, the product you’re using, and how frequently you’re applying it.